Google gets live traffic information from Highways Agency

Google has teamed up with the Highways Agency to create a live traffic map.

The agency is providing its traffic data to the web firm, which is overlaying it onto its Google Maps to colour code all of England's motorways and major A road network by the speed of traffic.

"I'm delighted that we are the first country in Europe to work with Google and use our information for the benefit of road users across the country," Denise Plumpton, director of information at the Highways Agency, said.

"This sort of project is a key part of our information strategy aimed at getting traffic information out to motorists where and when they need it."

The data is sourced from the agency's own National Traffic Control Centre, based in Birmingham, and has previously been already available online via the Traffic England website - which has had its very own mapping system for some time.

To check out the traffic mash-up, go to the UK version of Google Maps and click the traffic' tab.